Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows

I have a list of high priority items which include: peace, joy, satisfaction and purpose. There are distractions from those things everywhere, all the time, but I don’t have to feed into them. I can choose peace and joy at any time, no matter what is happening around me.

Mother’s Clarity

My mother used to tell me “Everything in life has advantages and disadvantages.  You have to decide the advantages you have to have and the disadvantages you can put up with”.  When I told her sometime in my very early adult life what good advice that was, she confessed the concept came from her grandmother.Continue reading “Mother’s Clarity”

Grateful for Autism

I’ve spent so much energy worrying about my son’s condition, I have missed what a blessing it is in many ways. He gives me absolutely no attitude.  If I ask him to do something, he does it, period.  Understanding how difficult it is for him to adapt to change, he works very hard to keepContinue reading “Grateful for Autism”