Alone For The Holidays

I moved out from my ex-husband’s home December 4, 2004 (almost a decade ago!).  I had people at work that cared about me but, outside of that, didn’t really have any friends.  I didn’t have a supportive birth family and wasn’t close enough to anyone to be invited anywhere. I got through that very painfulContinue reading “Alone For The Holidays”

3 years ago today…

Food is my drug of choice.  I can pass on beer, wine, liquors, smokes, no problem.  Ice cream, fries, rice krispie treats (especially the ones with chocolate on top or M&Ms inside), Mike&Ike, Starburst, that’s a different story… Three years ago today, like an alcoholic recording day 1 of sobriety, I recorded day 1 of my ownContinue reading “3 years ago today…”